Pain is our body’s way of telling us that something is wrong physically or psychologically.
Psychogenic pain is physical pain that is caused, increased or prolonged by mental, emotional and behavioural factors. Psychological factors can and will influence our experience of pain, reducing our pain threshold and making the pain feel worse.
Pain is a personal experience and can be present in the absence of tissue damage or any other pathological cause and is due to psychological reasons.
There are two types of pain: Acute and Chronic Pain.
Acute Pain is severe pain that lasts for a relatively short period of time (6 months or less) and usually starts immediately in response to a specific injury.
Chronic Pain can range form mild to severe and is present for a long period of time (6 months or more). This pain can lead to signs of depression, sleep disturbances, lethargy, anger and weight loss as the pain begins to impair our ability to function making us feel helpless.
Hypnotherapy aims to help us to:
What is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
How we think about and interpret our experience of pain, will also affect our pain threshold. Our beliefs and assumptions relating to pain, to our self-worth and our ability to cope can trigger negative thoughts, which in turn drive negative feelings and unhealthy coping behaviours. What we believe will therefore determine how we behave accordingly in order to support that belief we have about our experience of pain. If we dread or fear pain, our pain threshold will be decreased and our experience of pain will be more severe.
Effective pain management therefore depends upon confronting the meaning we give to our pain, identifying those unhealthy beliefs we have about pain, disputing those beliefs and replacing them with healthier more helpful beliefs.
CBT helps us to develop a rational and realistic belief about pain in order to minimise our perception of pain and therefore our experience of pain.
If you would like to find out about how hypnotherapy and CBT can help you manage your pain more effectively, please contact Chalene on 07834 226025 or
Client Testimonial - Hypnotherapy for Pain Relief
"After spending 12 months with chronic chest pain,going backwards and forwards to the Doctors, and
had every possible test,I was prescribed 2 types of very strong pain killers with maximum dosage. The pain never went regardless of the tablets and I was becoming more dependant on them
and could see no light at the end of the tunnel, just misery.
It had been suggested to me at pain clinic that along with the tablets I also tried other methods of pain relief. Hypnotherapy was mentioned but I had never met anyone before who had used it and the Doctors didn't really give an opinion.
After a few more miserable months,I decided that I needed to try something else as the tablets were clearly not working.
Chalene's profile came up first. What I read sounded very promising and after reading a few other therapists profiles, I phoned Chalene.
On our first meeting, I felt safe,not judged and reassured that all would be ok. It was very emotional for me, but the session had a huge impact straight away and afterwards my pain level had gone down.
Each week, Chalene would teach me new skills of how to cope with my pain, to recognise it, listen to my body and to then "Let it Go".
Stress is the reason behind my pain and I wish that I had found Chalene and her hypnotherapy sooner, rather than have all of those
Life is still very stressful, but my pain has gone and am no longer taking tablets. On the odd occasion that I do get pain, I know exactly what to do and the pain just goes.
I would recommend hypnotherapy to anyone who is in any pain that can not be picked up on tests or with any other issues that should
arise, where hypnotherapy could help.
Chalene has made me find myself again and helped to put my life into perspective. I will always be grateful to her,her calming voice and wonderful journeys that she has taken me on during my sessions. These new skills will stay with me always.
Thank you so much".